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SCYO Bands Concert

29 March 2023 @ 6:15 pm 7:00 pm

Venue: Chancellor State College, Performing Arts Centre (PAC)

Concert Band musicians arrive at 4:45pm for a 5:00pm rehearsal.
Wind Symphony musicians arrive at 5:45pm.

Concert start: 6:15pm (audience may enter the PAC to be seated at 6pm)
Concert finish: 7:00pm
Dress: Formal

Boys: long black sleeve button up shirt with collar, blue SCYO tie and pin, long black pants with black shoes and black socks. No white or other coloured socks please.
Girls: long black pants/skirt and black top, or black dress, with black stockings/socks with black shoes – no bare legs or shoulders please. No white or other coloured socks please.

Please see email from manager for full details

Chancellor State College

164 Sippy Downs Drive
Sippy Downs, Qld 4556 Australia
+ Google Map

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